La historia de 🌺Matoaka🌺 (o Pocahontas) no es para nada la aventura amorosa que nos contó Disney, sino una triste historia de colonización, rapto y violación. Los colonos ingleses se la llevaron a inglaterra para demostrar que los nativos americanos “se podían domesticar” alejándola de su mundo y de su gente. Le cambiaron el nombre a Rebecca y le hicieron casarse con John Rolfe con quien tendría un hijo. Murió a los 21 años de tuberculosis. La historia sucedió hace unos 500 años pero no me suena desconocida hoy en día. Oprimidos y opresores. Con @txemy en#wynwoodartsdistrict. Gracias a 🐳@baligreenofficial & @art_company_shoes #amaiaarrazola #txemy Una publicación compartida de amaiaarrazola (@amaiaarrazola) el Dic 16, 2017 at 5:32 PST
This is a good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.
Brief but very accurate information… Many thanks for sharing this one.
I am impressed that there is so much information about this subject that has been uncovered.
¡Qué iniciativa tan genial!
After reading a few more articles on your website, I must say that I really like your blogging style. I added it to my list of favorite websites and will probably check it again soon.
Thank you, this is a subject close to my heart. Where are your contact information, though?
Awesome article dude! This was an extremely nice post. A top notch article
Aw, this was an extremely good post. thanks. Pretty great post. Thankyou
This is really good post here. Thanks for providing awesome content!
Keep on writing man. These are actually great ideas in regarding blogging.
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10 comentarios:
This is a good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.
Brief but very accurate information… Many thanks for sharing this one.
I am impressed that there is so much information about this subject that has been uncovered.
¡Qué iniciativa tan genial!
After reading a few more articles on your website, I must say that I really like your blogging style. I added it to my list of favorite websites and will probably check it again soon.
Thank you, this is a subject close to my heart. Where are your contact information, though?
Awesome article dude! This was an extremely nice post. A top notch article
Aw, this was an extremely good post. thanks. Pretty great post. Thankyou
This is really good post here. Thanks for providing awesome content!
Keep on writing man. These are actually great ideas in regarding blogging.
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